The Billionaires Club, LLC by and through its website (TBC) understands sometimes your purchase isn't a perfect fit—so we're happy to offer returns within 15 days of purchase delivery.
Your purchase may be returned for a full refund if:
To request a refund, please send us an email to You will be required to provide the following information:
Once this is submitted, we will contact you to advise if you are provided a Refund Authorization code, and we will give you further instructions if needed.
Original shipping charges are refunded under certain circumstances, you will be advised of this when you receive the Refund Authorization code.
If your item wasn’t successfully delivered to you it is returned, without any additional expense.
Unfortunately, some items, including Sale, Discounted and Clearance items cannot be returned as well as other items marked ‘No Return’.
Personalized, Customized and/or Autographed items also cannot be returned.
Please Note: The Billionaires Club, LLC may limit or decline some returns and exchanges.