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CEO's Desk

CEO's Desk

magic golden door Taking your Idea and turning it into a profitable business today is easier (and harder) than ever before. Today we live in a world that has access to information faster and more verifiable than in history, and can help you make your idea more viable due to so much open information on your competitor (and on you), as well as mountains of data to help you – all from your sofa while watching the latest episode of Suits or Silicon Valley.

Having been involved in more than 40 companies, 7 charities in 5 countries and holding the positions of: Founder, CEO, Chairman, President, Board Director, Advisory Board, Chief Strategy Officer and Director or Manager of: Finance, Marketing / Advertising, Investor Relations, HR, Planning & Development and many times as Head Dish Washer & Chief Motivation Officer. Anyone that wants to build their own company – I wish you Strength on the days you feel weak, Courage on the days you feel defeated and remind you to Hold Your Head High when others mock the short term weak and defeated moments as if those moments define you… as Amazing Success stories are paved with many weak and defeated moments that are overcome and used to guide and train you for long term Greatness - that those that mock you, have no idea how to achieve. Success in life is not a 100 meter dash, it is the long race and to be a winner, you must endure those that have no concept of your dream.

-Chase D. Fonteno


WebIdeas Partners, LLC

Internet Venture Investment & Management